Yesterday the Tredinnick and the Beer Family's headed off to feed the ducks and have a play at the Botanical Gardens in Frankston. The park is awesome and has a big range of climbing frames slides and swings for the kids to play on as well as big open space for things like baseball.... or what the adults thought was a good game hit the ball far and make the kids run for it hehehe!!
After some time at the play equipment we decided to head on down to the duck pond and feed the ducks and chase away the seagulls who tried to steal all the duckies bread! Drew and Mikey who are both not yet 2 had a wonderful time eating the bread they were given to feed to the ducks at first but Drew soon learned to throw the bread into the pond however Mikey took delight in continuing to eat it and ask then ask for 'more pwease more"..very funny. The older children had a great time
throwing lumps of bread to the ducks, whilst the so called grown up men in the group thought it hilarious to stand behind me and drop bits of bread so the ducks would come up in mass groups behind me... (yep I am scared of the ducks and don't like them coming to close) something everyone seem to find funny!!
Drew found a new use for the baseball bat: splashing the ducks... or trying to splat them was lots and lots of fun for him...and for the adults watching.The 2 little ones had their mummy's in a panic as they had no fear of the water and got very close to the edge Megan and I spent a lot of our time saying "grab him grab him" and "Oh my gosh that's way to close" Once again the males thought this was funny and took bets on who was going to fall into the water first!! Khyle also thought it fun to pretend to push the little one in to the water.
After our belly's were full with sugary popcorn goodness we took a walk through the gardens it was an awesome end to a fun filled afternoon. All the children had played so well together... as usual ...with only one small outburst from Malinda (which I think is pretty good considering between the 2 families there is 7 children!!!)Thank you Beer Family for a wonderful time, we had a great day and can't wait to do it again!
The Awesome Beer Family. | The wonderful Team Tredinnick. |
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