I thought I would post some of the highlights and events that have happened to Team Tredinnick along with some photo's of various things that we have done through out this year.
So to start at the start would be January this year and I turned the "big thirty" which was not nearly as traumatic as I had thought it would be, I celebrated with a small party with some close friends and family...originally I had thought of having a massive bash for my 30th but given I was very pregnant with Olivia we opted for a smaller do insted which was really perfect. We also celebrated Peters 4th birthday with a pirate themed party along with some kinder friends which was lots of fun.
Moving along to March and our baby boy Mikey turned one which was so exciting, we celebrated with an Elmo (Michael's fav) themed party and Nanny was clever enough to make an awesome Elmo cake. Mikey had a wonderful time celebrating with family and friends. 2 weeks later on March 27th we welcomed baby Olivia Joy Valerie Tredinnick into our family. She was born at Frankston Hospital after a relativly relaxed 5 hour labor (3 at home 2 at the hosptial), I had a wonderful birth experience with Olivia as I gave birth standing up and delievered her myself, it was a very empowering and special moment for us.
Michael's First Birthday Livvy 15 minutes old
During the next 3 months we had some medical ups and downs and small devestations, Mikey who was born with Hypo-tonia..(meaning low muscle tone) was given the "all clear" by his peadeatrition his muscles have developed and strengthened to that of a "normal" 21 month old and the weakness throughout his body has completly disapeared. Olivia was admitted to hospital after turning blue several times after lots of tests and 2 sleepless nights it was discovered that Livvy had an arithmia and an enlarged heart and that it would need to be monitered. Needless to say we were devestated and spent lots of time on our knees talking to God. After several trips to peadeatritions, cardiologists and the genetics clinic Liv's arithmia had disappeared as mysteriously as it appeared and the enlargement of her heart was delcared transient and that she would "grow into it". Myself and Olivia also spent a week in the mother and baby unit at Rosebud hospital to help establish breastfeeding and sleeping as well as some time for mummy who had developed post natal depression and was a little overwhelmed at the time.

Malinda on her 10th Birthday
Once the first part of the year was through and the birthday rush was done life settled down into a comfortable routine. The 3 littlest Tredinnicks and I continued with going to playgroup which has been so much fun this year.
I have done a lot of sewing and craft projects this year and have made clothing for all the children as well as baby wraps for myself, Peter and Megan, several soft "taggie" blankets as well as "crinkle toys and books. Sewing and crafting continues to be a great love of my life, I have really enjoyed the time with my sewing machine.
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various craft projects undertaken this year....some more successful then others.
I also hosted my very first Pink Girls Night In for breast cancer awareness, it was an awesome night with 13 ladies turning up we raised just under $160 for breast cancer research and had a wonderful girls night in complete with pink chamagne and boobie shapped truffles made by my best friend Megan.
Another highlight/love of my life is vampires espcially the Twilight series and I was wrapped that New Moon was released at the movies this year...I have seen it 3 times at the cinemas and am very proud of that effort. A bunch of us Twilight friend fans went out to dinner and drinks first then headed over to the cinemas to watch New Moon for the first time. Complete with a Team Edward sign that I made and carried proudly with my best buddy Team Edward supporter Sue. My awesomely wonderful husband also gave me a signed collectors addition poster of New Moon pictures it is framed and is an absoulute love of my life as is my hubbyxox
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Dinner before New Moon | My sign | Hubbys awesome surprise present |
Olivia was dedicated at church this was a beautiful night spent in the presence of God with family, friends and Olivia's wonderful Godmother Megan.
Wishing everyone an awesome 2010 I hope wishes come true, hearts are not broken, children are healthy, families are happy, friendship continues to bloom and most of I wish you all love and that the desires of your hearts come to be in 2010.
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